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1: win a victory (as in a race or other competition); "he was happy to get the win"
2: winnings, profits, win something won (especially money)

1: win be the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious; "He won the Gold Medal in skating"; "Our home team won"; "Win the game"
2: gain, acquire, win win something through one's efforts; "I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese"; "Gain an understanding of international finance"
3: gain, gain ground, win, advance, make headway, get ahead, pull ahead obtain advantages, such as points, etc.; "The home team was gaining ground"; "After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference"
4: come through, deliver the goods, win, succeed, bring home the bacon attain success or reach a desired goal; "The enterprise succeeded"; "We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"; "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won"
